File Browser™ is a System 7 dependent application that you can use to quickly examine files and folders on any mounted disk. It is primarily intended for use by programmers but can be safely used by anyone—it doesn’t modify the files you examine in any way. It’s a browser, not an editor.
The top part of each browser window contains a number of scrolling lists where each list represents either the desktop or a folder; the number of lists displayed can be changed in the Preferences dialog box. A single click on a volume or folder displays the contents in the next list. Double clicking on a file opens it just as if you had double clicked on the file’s icon in the Finder. Any file that the Finder can open may be double clicked in File Browser—applications, documents, control panels, aliases, etc. Files may also be launched by selecting the Open item from the File menu.
If a single volume, folder or file is selected, information about that item is displayed in the bottom portion of the window called the data panel. The information in the data panel can be printed.
Balloon Help
Balloon help is available everywhere. OK, maybe not everywhere; the about box doesn’t have any Balloon help. I lied. Sorry.
Desktop Folder and Trash
File Browser displays the contents of mounted volumes are they really are, not as they appear when running under System 7. That is, the files and folders on your desktop are listed in the (normally invisible) Desktop folder in your disk’s root directory. Similarly, items in your trash can are listed in a Trash folder in your disk’s root directory. Future versions of File Browser will probably allow you to display these items where they appears to be rather than where they actually are. Stay tuned.
Every effort has been made to make File Browser a safe and reliable product; however, use it at your own risk. The author makes no warranty, either express or implied, with respect to this software.
File Browser is free and you are encouraged to distribute unmodified copies of it to anyone. You can’t sell it.
It may have bugs.
Version History
• File Browser 1.0. September 1991. First public release.
Comments, suggestions, and even bug reports are always welcome. I can be reached at: